A framework of data linkage rules, technical standards and templates for a digital society (Japanese)
政府相互運用性フレームワーク(GIF)|デジタル庁 (digital.go.jp)
第1回決済テクニカルミーティング事務局提出資料 (ipa.go.jp)
Not covered (Published implementation data model on GitHub, not a standalone system)
Available October 2022
We have published the material on GitHub for your reference. https://github.com/JDA-DM/GIF
These are guidelines administered by the Digital Agency and are not enforceable in nature.
Data model development will be decided at a technical meeting of public-private partnerships involving experts.
It is assumed to be used as a premise for subsidy measures and as an input in the transition of the system.
The Digital Garden City Nation Initiative, ensuring data interoperability of settlement collateral information, etc.
None (in-house)
In order to clarify the correspondence between billing data and settlement data in business-to-business transactions, our country's e-invoice based on the international billing standard Peppol
We have been organizing data models between transfer messages used in the standard JP Pint and the All-Bank Net (ZEDI) based on the international standard ISO 20022 for financial communications.
Using this data model, we are considering the system design that considered the adoption of this standard in the government procurement system, aiming at increasing the automation of consumption regardless of billing or settlement method and the provision of services utilizing transaction data in the private sector.Standards mapping to be implemented in the future.
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